Keynote and Lunch Panel Speakers
Conference Photos
Keynote and Lunch Panel Speakers
Conference Photos
• Richard Harnish - Executive Director, Midwest High Speed Rail Association SESSION 1 • Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Development - Making Smart Choices: Transit Oriented Development Corridors in the South Suburbs, A TOD Selector Analysis (David Chandler, María Choca-Urban, Kyle Smith - Center for Neighborhood Technology) - Transit Agencies’ Roles in Transit Oriented Development, A Case Study (Steve Hands - Chicago Transit Authority) - South Over the Alleys: Chicago’s South Side ‘L’, Past, Present and Future (John G. Allen, Ph.D. - Regional Transportation Authority; Graham C. Garfield, Anthony Coppoleta - Chicago Transit Authority; Herbert S. Levinson) • Bring It On: Better Freight - South Suburban Freight Study (Ed Paesel - South Suburban Mayors & Managers Association; Barb Sloan - Cambridge Systematics) - The Mid-City Freightway Study (Monique Urban, Dan Tempesta, Kimon Proussaloglou - Cambridge Systematics; Richard Hazlett - Chicago Department of Transportation) - The Need for a Federal Urban Freight Policy in the U.S. (Daniel Miodonski - University of Illinois at Chicago) • Changing Needs of Transit Customers - Understanding the Impacts of Delays on Blue Line Customers (Margarita Bernal - University of Illinois at Chicago) - Designing Shuttle Services for Niche Markets (Larry Deeter, Lynn Otte - TranSystems) - Transit Ridership Models: Present Status and Future Needs (Grace Gallucci, John G. Allen, Ph.D. - Regional Transportation Authority) LUNCH PANEL - THE BURNHAM PLAN: 100 YEARS LATER • Frank Beal - Executive Director, Chicago Metropolis 2020 • Carl Smith - Professor of English and American Studies, Northwestern University SESSION 2 • Location, Location, Location - Transit Connectivity Index: Examining Transit Availability and its Relation to Location Efficiency (Albert Benedict, Harley Cooper, Gajus Miknaitis, Linda Young, Peter Haas - Center for Neighborhood Technology) - Driving, A Hard Bargain: Housing and Transportation (H+T®) Affordability in the Chicago Region (María Choca-Urban, Peter Haas, Stephanie Morse, Olympia Moy, Linda Young - Center for Neighborhood Technology) - Willingness to Pay for Job Accessibility: Evidences Revealed from Neighborhood Scale Analyses in Buffalo and Seattle Housing Markets (Sungsoon Hwang - DePaul University) • My Way is the Highway - A Century of Chicago’s Crosstown Corridor: Transportation and Infrastructure from Burnham’s City Beautiful to Richard M. Daley’s Global City (Jean-Paul D. Addie - York University, Canada) - Chicago Area Freeway Performance Measurement (Todd Schmidt - Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning) - Congestion Pricing on Chicago’s Highways: What Do Drivers Think? (Elizabeth R. Greene, Colin Smith - Resource Systems Group, Inc.) SESSION 3 • Pricing Policies - The Case for Peak Pricing on Public Transit (Matt Smith, University of Illinois at Chicago) - Unrealized Assets: Parking Pricing and the Potential for Funding Transportation Choices (Katie Tully, Arline Welty - Active Transportation Alliance) Updated report - March 2010 - Intelligent Parking Management (Steven Grant - Booz Allen Hamilton) • Operational Efficiency - CORSIM Application of Alternative Fuels for Transit Buses (Stefan Rukowicz - Ardeshir Faghri, Reza Taromi, University of Delaware) - Investigating Strategies to Improve Bus Transit Operations (CJ Bright - University of Illinois at Chicago) - Transit Signal Priority Regional Plan (Kevin O’Neil, PE - URS Corporation; Taqhi Mohammed, Pace Suburban Bus) - Time-Based Separation Using the LWR Model (Chih-Hsiang, Ta-Chung Wang - Cheng Kung University,Taiwan) • Transportation Management - Development of an Interactive Public and Specialized Transportation Information Management System: Statewide Coordination Lessons from Illinois (Lise Dirks, Hersh Singh, P.S. Sriraj, Ph.D. - University of Illinois at Chicago) - Applying Performance Management Techniques in the Transportation Planning Process (Joe Guerre - Cambridge Systematics) - Organizational Regimes for Commuter Rail: An International Perspective (John G. Allen, Ph.D. - Regional Transportation Authority; Alex Lu - MTA New York City Transit) POSTER SESSION - A Study on the Safety of Left-Side Off-Ramps on Freeways (Jiguang Zhao, Huaguo Zhou, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville) - Analyze Factors Affecting Students’ Travel Modes Using Multi-Perspectives Diagnosis Approach (Huaguo Zhou, Ph.D. - Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville) - Disaggregation of Freight Analysis Framework2 (FAF2) Data for Regional Freight Modeling (Minyan Ruan, Jie (Jane) Lin - University of Illinois at Chicago) - Incorporating Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning into Major Highway Projects (Timothy B. Selover, Kevin Bischel - Parsons Brinckerhoff) - Is Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Effective to Encourage Students to Walk/Bike to School? (Jiguang Zhao, Huaguo Zhou, Ph.D. - Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville) - Simulated Data Warehouse for Transit Agencies (Patricia Santillan - Pace Suburban Bus) - The Effect of Secondary Market on the Efficiency of Slot Use: Evidence from an Empirical Analysis (Hideki Fukui - Ehime University, Japan) - Moving Buses Back Into Traffic Safely – Signage and Lighting Design (Huaguo Zhou, Ph.D. - Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville) |
Photo (adapted): Mike Miley | Flickr